Apree Health leverage digital signage for their care centers communication

Auchan transformation from multiple buildings to one hybrid workspace

How Auchan manage the challenge of a 3:2 desk-to-employee ratio

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Use case

Gestion des espaces


Vente au détail


Comeen Workplace

Auchan Retail France is a French retailer that selects products and producers for a chain of 680 hypermarkets and grocery stores in France.

Thanks to Comeen, we can now manage our space to see and understand how it's used. If certain areas consistently showed high utilization on the dashboard, we would adjust the space allocation, and if some areas had fewer employees, we would create dedicated zones to optimize the available resources. This is great and essential today.

Loïc Lardon
Head of IT Delivery Department DFPP & RH
Le défi
How does Auchan manage the presence of employees in a building designed for 1,5 times fewer people?

Auchan needed to manage 3000 team members for only 2000 desks on-site

The company implemented a remote work policy for two days a week

And they were looking for a tool integrated with their intranet LumApps and their office suite Google Workspace

Le résultat
Auchan chose Comeen. The only hybrid office tool directly integrated to Google Calendar.

Employees book daily presence directly on the Google Calendar add-on or from Google Chat

Auchan created automated Looker Studio dashboards from Comeen's data to guide their facility team in allocating office spaces

The company monitor KPIs such as average monthly bookings, check-ins, and space occupancy rates

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